The Path of Lord Pakal Ahau in the XXI Century


Lord Pakal Ahau's Natal Chart



Many people have asked us by email to explain why we believe our Director, Lord Pakal Ahau, is the one designed by the Great Mayan Prophecy of 2012 to transform the time of the Final Baktun and open the cosmic vision according to the prophetic books of the Order of Chilam Balam and the Nine Degrees (Ref. Rafael Girard, 1952). The following natal chart is a true diagram of Lord Pakal Ahau's birth in 08/22/1952 at the historic time of the opening of the tomb of King Hanab Pakal by archaeologist Ruz L'huillier. A brief interpretation and astrological tables follow below.

Lord Pakal Ahau's Natal Chart

In the realm of the senses, Lord Pakal Ahau's birth was not a time coincidence. It was designed carefully by a group of people, explained in other articles, who believed in the Great Mayan Prophecy of 2012, including the Mexican team that opened the tomb. Mr Ruz L'huillier named properly the discovery of the person inside the sarcophagus as 8 Ahau. Meaning the time of reincarnation as established by the Mayan priests who believed Lord Pakal will emerged again on Earth. For those who follow the Long Mayan Count, the last 8 Ahau day of the Count will fall on April 19, 2006, which coincides with the completion of Easter. On this date, Lord Pakal will perform the Great Ritual of Transformation. He has chosen to drink the Water of Life with the Timbisha Shoshone tribe in Death Valley, under the alignment of Venus and Uranus in the constellation of Aquarius.

In Lord Pakal Ahau's natal chart, made by the generous contribution of Mr. Frank Burns, a mathematician graduated from the University of Washington, we can see two major aspects of his birth. First, the King's crown peaked by the Sun at the top and flanked by Pluto and Venus. This fact establishes the King's divine right and its human characteristics as priest (Venus) and prophet (Pluto). Notice the Crown of planets in the upper half of the inner ring with no celestial objects at the bottom of the inner ring. A total and final reincarnation. Secondly, it establishes a Grand Trine composed by the Sun, Mars and Jupiter, which engulfs the Crown to make the shape of the Sacred Pyramid. Meaning the One found inside the Pyramid as the Great Priest King, who will seal the destiny of Earth in 2012 with his life and Ascension.

Other aspects include the Sun, Moon and Venus in Midheaven, which relates to the sacred qualities of Lord Pakal Ahau to intervene during the Ascension and transform the Christic consciousness into Galactic consciouness in 2012 at the end of the final Baktun.

sabian 12-21-2012From the Sabian symbols, we extract the solar symbolism to compare with Lord Pakal Ahau's chart at the moment of ascension in the Global Chart of 2012 with the Sun at the top also. The meaning of the Sun is "AN INDIAN KING BRINGS THE THRONE OF GOD TO THE ASSEMBLED ANCIENT TRIBE." In other words, the energy proyection that Lord Pakal Ahau at that time emanates from the Sun is interpreted as "you are God also."



"No birth prophecy comes without pain and ordeals at the end, in particular the ones designed by God. There's no escape. " (Lord Pakal Ahau)

The Pakalian Group of Mexico

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